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Request Mode

Zero system support five request modes as following ( Please ignore the name of the mode, it's for distinguish differences only )

1. Mode 1: Sync Mode

This mode is used for request response mode in vert.x, you can define your method as following:

    public String syncRequest(
            @QueryParam("email") final String email
    ) {
        final String response = "Testing finished";
        return response;


  1. The return type of method type mustn't be void;
  2. Do not use @Address annotation on this method;



2. Mode 2: Block Mode

This mode is used for request only mode in vert.x, you cand define your method as following:

    public void blockRequest(
            @PathParam("name") final String name) {
        System.out.println("block request");


  1. The return type of method must be void;
  2. Do not want to get any data from response, this kind of mode only provide status of this job



3. Mode 3: One Way Mode

This mode is samiliar with Mode2, but the data will send to event bus to execute async jobs. ( Will be removed )


    public String sendNotify(
            @BodyParam final User user) {
        final String response = Jackson.serialize(user);
        return response;


    public void reply(final Envelop message) {
        final User user =;
        // Do somethings


  1. The methods of @EndPoint and @Queue must be annotated with @Address and they are the same between sender and consumer
  2. The return type of method in @EndPoint mustn't be void
  3. You must be define the consumer method signature to public void xxx(Envelop)


Model 3

4. Mode 4: Async Mode ( Java Style )

This mode is async request response mode between consumer and sender on event bus.


    public String sendAsync(
            @BodyParam final User user) {
        final String response = Jackson.serialize(user);
        return response;


    public Envelop reply(final Envelop message) {
        final User user =;
        final WebException error = new TestRequestException(getClass(),
                "Lang", "Detail");
        return Envelop.failure(error);


  1. The methods of @EndPoint and @Queue must be annotated with @Address and they are the same between sender and consumer
  2. The return type of method in @EndPoint mustn't be void
  3. You must be define the consumer method signature to public Envelop xxx(Envelop)


Model 4

4. Mode 5: Vert.x Async Mode ( Vert.x Style )

This mode is supported for some vert.x component use in service layer of the system such as MongoClient, SQLClient etc.

Sender ( The same as mode 4 )

    public JsonObject sayEvent(
            @BodyParam final JsonObject data) {
        return data;


    private transient MongoClient client;

    public void async(final Message<Envelop> message) {
        final User user =, User.class);
        final JsonObject userData = new JsonObject(Jackson.serialize(user));"DB_USER", userData, res -> {
            if (res.succeeded()) {
                message.reply(Envelop.success("Hello World"));
            } else {


  1. The methods of @EndPoint and @Queue must be annotated with @Address and they are the same between sender and consumer
  2. The return type of method in @EndPoint mustn't be void
  3. You must be define the consumer method signature to public void xxx(Message<Envelop>)
  4. Don't forget call reply(Envelop in call back on Message<Envelop>


Mode 5

All above request mode could describe different usage, but we recomment to use Mode 4 & Mode 5.